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Chinese translation for "derivation calculus"


Related Translations:
derivation:  n.1.引出,导出。2.出处,由来,起源。3.【语言学】词源;派生。4.衍生;衍生物。
program derivation:  程序出处程序分支
derivation channel:  引水渠
partial derivation:  部分派生
tree derivation:  树形图
logical derivation:  逻辑推导
derivation step:  推导步
isotope derivation:  同位素衍生
skew derivation:  斜微分
wind derivation:  确定风速和风向
Example Sentences:
1.In digital relay , the percentage of noise will increase rapidly with the increase of sampling rate when derivation calculus is substituted by sampled difference term . to solve this problem , a new method using fragment function integrated with the least square algorithm is proposed in this paper . the influence of white noise is greatly reduced and the accuracy of the dead angle calculation is nicely improved after adopting the new method
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